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 The Importance of Training in the Seed Industry

Training is essential for the growth and sustainability of the seed industry. It ensures that professionals have the latest knowledge and skills to meet the changing demands of agriculture. Specialized training programs play a significant role in this regard.

Practical training and workshops on topics such as seed technology, plant breeding, and crop management are crucial. Combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience is also important. Continuous education and innovation in the seed industry should be emphasized.

BreedWise logo

BreedWise aims to transfer knowledge to employees of propagation, seed and breedingfirms, and institutions in this field. The courses are mainly tailor-made and highly appreciated for their integration of theory and practical application.

GSPP logo

GSPP training and coaching to ensure certified quality and health of tomato seeds and plants. This service includes the isolation, monitoring, testing, and auditing of production sites and lots.

Passion for People, Product and Process


Passion and dedication to developing innovative products that exceed the future needs.


A keen eye for fostering strong working relationships and talent development.


Focus on collecting points of improvement to ensure continuous improvement.

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